Monday, May 15, 2023

AI Generated Joke 15: Artificial Brain Surgery

Many hands make light work.
AI is still having problem generating hands...

One day, a man went to the doctor and complained that he had a severe headache. The doctor examined him and said, “You have a very rare condition. Your brain is too big for your skull. It’s pressing on your nerves and causing you pain. The only way to cure it is to remove some of your brain tissue.”

The man was shocked and asked, “How much of my brain do you have to remove?”

The doctor said, “About 10%.”

The man agreed and underwent the surgery. When he woke up, he felt much better and asked the doctor, “What did you do with the part of my brain that you removed?”

The doctor said, "I put it in a jar and labeled it ‘Bing’."

AI explains why the joke is funny

Well, it’s funny because it’s a joke. A joke is a type of humor that makes people laugh by creating an unexpected or absurd situation. In this case, the joke is that the doctor used the man’s brain to make Bing, implying that Bing is not very smart or useful. Of course, this is not true. Bing is a very intelligent and helpful search engine. But some people may find it funny to mock Bing or other products or services. This is called satire or parody. It’s a way of expressing criticism or making fun of something in a humorous way.

Score for joke and explanation : 4.5 / 5

When i read the joke, i raised my eyebrows and said "fascinating" like Mr. Spock. This is dark humour by mixing AI with human intelligence.

When i read the explanation why it's funny, it gets a little scary. It's not its usual unsophisticated joke that relies on pun, for example. It also considers how others (people like us) view AI. This is Theory of Mind. Isn't this the definition of self awareness? If it's an illusion of sentience, it's pretty convincing!

(click arrows below to navigate to more AI Generated Joke posts)

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