Thought of the Day


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the Thought of the Day posts


What's "Thought of the Day" Posts ?

For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
    For every saying, there's a counter argument or exception(s).

For examples,

Absence makes the heart grows fonder.
   Out of sight, out of mind.

Many hands make light work.
   Too many cooks spoil the broth.

A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
  Nothing venture nothing gain.

A pen is mightier than the sword.
   Action speaks louder than words.

It is in this rebellious spirit that I start this "Thought of the Day" page / topic. I'm not a contrarian all the time (being contrarian all the time contradicts contrarian spirit). Sometimes, I just have a different spin to the popular sayings, quotes from famous people, proverbs or other assorted pearls of wisdom plucked from various cultures or mouths or hands (if the authors mime them).

Nothing serious (I want you to take that seriously). May the goddess of Joke fills me with potent juices of humours.

If there's only one takeaway, it's this: don't take the so-called time-tested sayings to be the ultimate truth because there's other time-tested sayings that say otherwise. Why should you take one author / culture / mouth / hand over another?

I would like to - if i may - humbly offer an alternative, a different perspective to those wisdom of the ages. Of course, i may just clowning around.

Question everything and accept nothing (including this statement).

Click the image at the top of page ☝☝ to start off the chain of posts of "Thought of the Day".

You're encouraged to put your thoughts into the comment section. 😉👍

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