Monday, May 15, 2023

AI Generated Joke 14: A Lion, A Man and A Gorilla

Is this a lion or a gorilla?
AI can't decide.

One day, a man went to the zoo with his family. He wanted to see the lions, but they were sleeping in their enclosure. He decided to get closer to them and climbed over the fence.

He thought he could wake them up by roaring like a lion. He roared as loud as he could, but the lions didn't move. He roared again and again, but nothing happened.

He was about to give up when he heard a voice behind him say: "Hey buddy, do you mind? You're scaring the kids."

He turned around and saw a gorilla holding a banana. The man was so shocked that he ran away screaming. The gorilla shrugged and said: "Some people have no manners."

AI explains why the joke is funny

The above joke is funny because it has a twist at the end. The man expects the lions to react to his roar, but instead he finds out that there is a gorilla behind him who can talk. The gorilla also acts like a human and scolds the man for being rude. The contrast between the man's expectation and the reality creates humor.😂

Score for joke and explanation : 3.5 / 5

Not hilarious, but funny enough. But the explanation is clear and concise.

(click arrows below to navigate to more AI Generated Joke posts)

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