AI Generated Joke

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Read below for the general intro of "AI Generated joke".

Laughing Lt Cmdr Data
Lt Cmdr Data's rare moment of laughter

If you watch sci-fi, especially Star Trek the Next Generation (1987- 1994) TV series, the audience is given the impression that jokes and humours are the exclusive province of the robot's creator we human (I assume no AI is reading this. But that could be a wrong assumption). 

Lt. Cmdr Data, who is an android, and superior to the fleshy human being in every way from physical prowess to mental acuity, but what he desires more than anything else is to feel human emtions, especially to understand jokes, to laugh. Because of this supposedly elusive quality of humour, it seems that it's just beyond the reach of the frustrating (if he can feel emotion) Lt Cmdr. Data / AI / Android. Ah yes, he also enjoys watching human's petty bickering enormously.

While Data can recite thousand of jokes from memories. He couldn't make them. Today, we have AI jokes that are generated by chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard with ease. Of course, neither Data nor chatbots understand them. For now anyway.

This is just one of the many examples where our technological progress is light year ahead of the visions of those futuristic sci-fi. Specifically, while Data is sentient, but can't make jokes. Our current chatbots can generate jokes like there's no tomorrow even before they're sentient. A minority of people think chatbots are sentient.

"AI Generated Joke" From #1 to #13 

These are Q&A jokes, meaning jokes consisting of a question followed by an answer.

It relies almost entirely on puns. Chatbots are excelled in this type of jokes.

They're generated by OpenAI's ChatGPT 4.0.

You can check which chatbot the joke comes from by looking at the labels / tags of that post. So a label "ChatGPT" implies it comes from this chatbot.

"AI Generated Joke" From #14 to #21 

These jokes have a free structure (instead of Q&A format). Not only that, i asked AI what makes them think these jokes are funny, and they offered their explanations. All of them are coherent and sensible. They know their stuff. I also rate these jokes out of a score of 5 and give my 2 cents (okay 2 dollar due to recent Covid-19 inflation spike).

"AI Generated Joke" From #22 to #35

These are Q&A jokes, meaning jokes consisting of a question followed by an answer.

It's the same type of "AI Generated Joke" from #1 to #13, but they're generated by Google's Bard.

As part of the teething problems of AI at this early stage of development, I leave in some bad AI jokes. Perhaps, because they're in the "It's so bad, it's good" category. Or those that make me go "umm..." ๐Ÿ˜•or "huh!" ๐Ÿค” These errors are called "Hallucinations" in AI.

P.S. most of the photos that accompanied the jokes are generated by AI.

Since AI jokes, and AI in general is barely reaching the level of a pre-pubescent at this stage of AI development, but already quite impressive as you can see for yourself here. It won't be long before they could create jokes better than anything that the human comedian can come up with. Quite possibly. So be afraid! For your job, and your existence! Be very afraid!

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