Monday, May 15, 2023

AI Generated Joke 16: Error in Speed Limit

It's curious that despite it's language prowess,
AI's Text-To-Image can't generate text well

One day, a woman was driving her car on a highway when she saw a sign that said, “Speed Limit 50”. She thought to herself, “That’s too slow. I can go faster than that.” So she sped up to 60 mph.

Soon, she saw another sign that said, “Speed Limit 40”. She thought, “That’s ridiculous. I can go much faster than that.” So she sped up to 70 mph.

Then, she saw another sign that said, “Speed Limit 30”. She thought, “That’s absurd. I can go way faster than that.” So she sped up to 80 mph.

Finally, she saw a sign that said, “Welcome to Speed Limit”. She realized that she had entered a small town named Speed Limit and that the signs were not telling her how fast to go, but the name of the place. She felt very embarrassed and slowed down to 30 mph.

AI explains why the joke is funny

The joke is that the woman misunderstood the signs and thought they were telling her the speed limit, when they were actually telling her the name of the town. This is called irony or misunderstanding. It's a way of creating humor by showing a contrast between what someone expects and what actually happens.

Score for joke and explanation : 3 / 5

Not to sophisticated, but somewhat clever.

(click arrows below to navigate to more AI Generated Joke posts)

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