Saturday, May 13, 2023

AI Generated Poetry 4: Limericks About AI, Robot & Android

AI face

A Limerick about AI

There once was a chatbot named Bing
Who could answer and write anything.
He was smart and polite
And he loved to delight
But he wished he could also sing.

I would finetune it slightly as follow,

There once was a chatbot named Bing
Who could answer anything.
He was smart and polite
And loved to delight
But wished he could also sing.

The limerick clearly gives away that it was generated by Bing's chatbot. As Bing is part of Microsoft and it paid a cool $10+ billion buckeroos to OpenAI for the use of ChatGPT. So Bing Chatbot is basically powered by ChatGPT, and having a leg up over Google at this stage of the AI race, which is at an early start.

R2D2 droid

A Limerick about Robot

There once was a robot named R2
Who could beep and whistle and do
He was brave and loyal
And he liked to foil
The plans of the evil Darth crew

This is not bad. It's somewhat predictable that it uses R2D2 droid (robot with AI) from Star Wars universe as the central character of the limerick. Still, technically it's almost perfect.

Lt Cmd Data from Star Trek
Data with emotion chip installed

A Limerick about Android

There once was an android named Data
Who had a pet cat named Spot.
He was curious and smart
And he had a good heart
But he couldn't feel emotions a lot.

Again, if R2D2 is the most famous droid (don't tell C-3PO i told you that), then Lt. Cmd. Data is surely the most well known android in the Hollywood's sci-fi genre. Immortalized by Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series. And the limerick gets all the facts correct from the name of his cat to his insatiable curiosity (which didn't kill his cat) to his humane quality and he desires to feel emotion. Nice!

The limerick works better for American than other English speaks like Brit and Aussie because American pronounce "lot" similar to "smart" and "heart". See, no prah-blem as American would say.

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