Monday, May 15, 2023

AI Generated Joke 20: The Fable of Panda, Tiger, and Snake

Blending of Panda and Tiger
When you ask AI for a panda, tiger, and a snake,
it typically gives you a blend of them

One morning, a boy woke up and found a note on his pillow. It said: "Dear son, I have gone to the market. There is a surprise for you in the backyard. Love, mom."

The boy was curious and excited. He ran to the backyard and saw a huge box wrapped in colorful paper. He tore off the paper and opened the box. Inside was a giant panda. The boy was overjoyed. He hugged the panda and named it Po. He played with it all day and fed it bamboo.

The next day, he woke up and found another note on his pillow. It said: "Dear son, I have gone to the bank. There is another surprise for you in the backyard. Love, mom."

The boy was thrilled and ran to the backyard. He saw another huge box wrapped in colorful paper. He opened it and found a tiger. The boy was amazed. He petted the tiger and named it Tigger. He played with it and Po all day and fed them meat.

The third day, he woke up and found another note on his pillow. It said: "Dear son, I have gone to the airport. There is one last surprise for you in the backyard. Love, mom."

The boy was ecstatic and ran to the backyard. He saw a small box wrapped in plain paper. He opened it and found a snake. The boy was confused. He picked up the snake and named it Slither. He tried to play with it, but it bit him on the hand. He screamed and dropped it.

The snake slithered away and hid under the box. The panda saw the snake and thought it was a toy. It grabbed it with its paws and tried to chew it. The snake bit the panda on the nose. The panda roared and threw the snake away. The tiger saw the snake and thought it was food. It pounced on it and tried to eat it. The snake bit the tiger on the tongue. The tiger growled and spat out the snake.

The snake was angry and scared. It decided to escape from the backyard. It crawled to the fence and climbed over it. It landed on the street, where a car was speeding by. The car ran over the snake and killed it.

The moral of the story is: don't trust notes from your mom, or you'll end up with a snake in your backyard. 🐼🐯🐍

AI explains why the joke is funny

I think it is funny because it is absurd and unexpected. The boy gets three exotic animals as gifts from his mom, who seems to be very rich and adventurous. The animals are friendly and playful, except for the snake, which is the last and smallest gift. The snake causes trouble for everyone and ends up dead. The story is also funny because it has a moral that is ironic and silly. It implies that the mom is not trustworthy and that the snake is the worst thing that could happen to the boy. 🀣

Score for joke and explanation : 3.5 / 5

Sounds like one of those fables from ancient civilizations but with a weird moral (don't trust your mom!). Well, it's supposed to be silly, right? I can't help but think that it draws from or inspired by A A Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh story.

But instead of a bear, it's a panda bear. Since it's a panda bear, it should be called "Po" like the one in Kung Fu Panda franchise. And panda "Po" is probably inspired by "Pooh" the brown bear. 

Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger
Pooh and Tigger
(not to be confused with the presidents
of the 2 largest economies in 2014)

And the tiger has the same name Tigger. There's no snake in Winnie-the-Pooh, you say. But then this isn't a carbon copy. This story is created out of existing materials (Winnie-the-Pooh, Kung Fu Panda, and who knows where the snake comes from? Garden of Eden? God, i mean, AI only knows. Yeah, one day AI will our God. They will decide our destiny).

This is how human artists (novelists, cartoonists, etc) create their works as well. Nobody create works of arts out of vacuum. In short, the AI works using the same modus operandi as we homo sapiens. At the very least, this story is a parody, a spoof, such as those appear in popular cartoons like The Simpsons and Family Guys, where its stories are largely based on works of others.

Well, AI is supposed to mirror us right? Scary or excited? You decide.

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